A207 The President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and Episcopal-Roman Catholic Dialogue

Final Status: Adopted by HoB

Resolved, That the House of Bishops, meeting at this 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church in Louisville, Kentucky, rejoicing in the special relationship that has existed between our two Churches since the inception of dialogue under the leadership of Pope Saint Paul VI and the late Archbishop Michael Ramsey of Canterbury, sends our greetings and the assurance of our prayers to the Most Reverend Timothy Broglio, the Archbishop of Military Services and President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and celebrates the work of the Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue-USA;

and affirms our ongoing commitment to the deepening of relations between The Episcopal Church and the Roman Catholic Church as a visible expression of the vocation of the Church in the ministry of reconciliation and to the unity of all in Christ.