A165 The Confirmation of the Presiding Bishop Elect

Article I Sec. 3 of the Constitution provides:

At the General Convention next before the expiration of the term of office of the Presiding Bishop, it shall elect the Presiding Bishop of the Church. The House of Bishops shall choose one of the Bishops of this Church to be the Presiding Bishop of the Church by a vote of a majority of all Bishops, excluding retired Bishops not present, except that whenever two-thirds of the House of Bishops are present a majority vote shall suffice, such choice to be subject to confirmation by the House of Deputies. The term and tenure of office and duties and particulars of the election not inconsistent with the preceding provisions shall be prescribed by the Canons of the General Convention.

Canon I.2.1.g provides:

At the General Convention at which a Presiding Bishop is to be elected, the Joint Nominating Committee shall present to the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies in Joint Session the names of not fewer than three members of the House of Bishops, along with those nominated through the petition process, for the consideration of the two Houses in the choice of a Presiding Bishop, and there may be discussion of all nominees. Commencing on the day following the Joint Session, election shall be by the House of Bishops from among such nominees. If the House of Bishops shall find itself unable to elect a Presiding Bishop from among such nominees, another Joint Session shall be held, at which additional nominations may be received, and on the following day, election shall be by the House of Bishops from among all of the nominees. After the election by the House of Bishops, report of the result thereof, including the number of votes cast for each nominee on each ballot, shall be made to the House of Deputies which shall vote to confirm or not to confirm such choice of Presiding Bishop.

HOD Rules of Order, Rule VIII.A.1.ii.o provides:

Confirmation of the Presiding Bishop. Receives the Report from the House of Bishops regarding the election of a Presiding Bishop, and recommends action regarding confirmation.

HOD Rules of Order, Rule XVI provides:

Confirmation of the Election of a Presiding Bishop

A. When the President receives the name of the bishop elected by the House of Bishops to serve as Presiding Bishop, the President will refer the name to the Legislative Committee on the Confirmation of the Presiding Bishop.

B. The Legislative Committee on the Confirmation of the Presiding Bishop will make a recommendation to the House on whether to confirm or not to confirm the choice of the House of Bishops.

C. The House may choose to receive the Committee’s report to the House in a closed session.

D. If the House chooses to receive the report in a closed session, the House may continue in a closed session for the purpose of debate.

E. Following the end of debate, the House will move out of a closed session. The Committee will repeat its recommendation and the House will immediately vote on the recommendation.

F. The House will vote by individual secret ballot, paper or electronic, unless a Vote by Orders is requested.

G. A majority vote is required to confirm.