D057 Advocate for Housing Solutions

Final Status: Concurred

Resolved, That the Episcopal Church reaffirm our call for Housing as a Human Right (2018-C041) by advocating for expansive solutions for the rising cost of housing in the United States; and be it further

Resolved, That The Episcopal Church, with the help of the Office of Government Relations and the Episcopal Public Policy Network, support policies at the local, state and national levels to decrease the unhoused population and increase affordable housing by:

  • Transforming voucher programs into federal entitlements, so that every household that qualifies would receive them;
  • Provide government funding for fair and affordable housing investments;
  • Create pathways for unhoused veterans, those returning from incarceration or those with mental health or substance use problems to obtain affordable housing;
  • Support, through funding and legislation, short term and transitional housing;
  • Eliminate housing discrimination on the basis of source of income;
  • Create a right to shelter, guaranteeing the unhoused the right to a shelter bed, if needed;

And be it further

Resolved, That the Episcopal Church encourage Dioceses and congregations to review their unused land and property as a potential pathway to more affordable housing units; and be it further

Resolved, That The Episcopal Church encourage congregations to assess the housing needs in their communities, collaborate with local organizations on the issues of homelessness and housing insecurity and advocate for affordable housing.