D050 Resolution to Complete the Journey to Net Carbon Neutrality by 2030

Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring,

That the 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church acknowledges the immediate and serious threat that climate change poses to humanity, including “the disproportionate impacts of climate change on low-income communities and communities of color around the world, the people and places least responsible for the problem” (according to the University of California Center for Climate Justice), a situation that is antithetical to the Gospel of Jesus Christ; and be it further

Resolved, That The Episcopal Church, as an institution that owns and manages properties and buildings, has an ethical obligation to make those properties and buildings part of the solution to our climate crisis, through concrete actions that will reduce or eliminate the use of fossil fuels, with the goal of becoming net carbon neutral; and be it further

Resolved, That this Convention direct dioceses, congregations, and all other institutions of The Episcopal Church to identify and adopt processes that will lead to the development of site-specific plans for achieving net carbon neutrality by 2030, and that these plans and processes may include: the formation of local green teams; the completion of energy-efficiency assessments; the development of plans to reduce or eliminate reliance on fossil fuels, including transition to renewable energy sources; and purchasing offsets from duly investigated, responsible, and ethical partners; and be it further

Resolved, That these plans be reported to the Creation Care Ministry of The Episcopal Church as they are developed; and be it further

Resolved, That the Creation Care Ministry of The Episcopal Church will support the development and implementation of these plans through the creation of a robust resource hub connecting individuals and organizations as they work on their carbon reduction plans, including the sharing of best practices, funding sources, and information about green energy technology; and be it further 

Resolved, That General Convention request a budget allocation of $225,000 to pay for the staffing needed to develop and manage the resource hub.