A156 House of Deputies Rules of Order on Written Comments

Final Status: Adopted by HoD

Resolved, the House of Deputies amends Rule VIII.B of its Rules of Order by adding a section 5 and changing the heading title as follows:

<Amended text as it would appear if adopted. Scroll below the line of asterisks (******) to see the version showing all deleted and added text.> 

B. Legislative Committee Hearings and Written Testimony


5. Written Testimony

i. The Secretary of the House will provide a mechanism and guidelines for anyone to submit written testimony on any Resolution, Memorial, or other matter referred to a Legislative Committee.

ii. Written testimony must be directed at a specific Resolution, Memorial, or other matter referred to a Legislative Committee.

iii. Written testimony will be published in the form that it is received.

iv. Written testimony must be submitted before the beginning of the scheduled hearing time for the Committee on the Resolution, Memorial, or other matter that the testimony is addressing.


<Proposed amended resolution text showing exact changes being made:> 


B. Legislative Committee Hearings and Written Testimony

5. Written Testimony

i. The Secretary of the House will provide a mechanism and guidelines for anyone to submit written testimony on any Resolution, Memorial, or other matter referred to a Legislative Committee.

ii. Written testimony must be directed at a specific Resolution, Memorial, or other matter referred to a Legislative Committee.

iii. Written testimony will be published in the form that it is received.

iv. Written testimony must be submitted before the beginning of the scheduled hearing time for the Committee on the Resolution, Memorial, or other matter that the testimony is addressing.