D022 Create a Task Force on the Legislative Process

Final Status: Concurred as Amended

Resolved, That the 81st General Convention direct the Standing Commission on Structure, Governance, Constitution and Canons to:

(1) assess the changes to the legislative process introduced at the 80th General Convention, particularly the process of pre-Convention online legislative committee meetings and hearings;

(2) review the technology used for legislative committees, determining the best technology for maximum participation by all members of both Houses;

(3) make recommendations to the Joint Standing Committee on Planning and Arrangements, the Presiding Officers, and the General Convention Office for the length and legislative process for the 82nd General Convention;

(4) assess the pros and cons of the current number of legislative days of General Convention;

(5) propose appropriate amendments to the Rules of Order for the House of Bishops, the House of Deputies, and the Joint Rules for the House of Bishops and House of Deputies to improve the legislative process in light of their findings;

(6) develop a plan for ongoing review of the Rules of Order for the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies, and the Joint Rules for the House of Bishops and House of Deputies, by a diverse interim body; and

(7) develop a plan for training Deputies and Bishops on their Rules of Order, the Joint Rules, and the General Convention legislative process;

And be it further

Resolved, That the Commission hold hearings open to the Church, consult widely with current and former Bishops, Deputies, and others with extensive General Convention experience, and publish its Minutes in a timely manner.