B002 Build Eco-Region Creation Networks for Crucial Impact

Final Status: Concurred as Substituted and Amended

Resolved, That the 81st General Convention enable concrete implementation of the bold charge laid out in GC80 Resolution A087 “Net Carbon Neutrality by 2030,” which encouraged Episcopal congregations, dioceses, schools, camps, and other Episcopal institutions to pursue ambitious goals for reducing the church’s carbon footprint, mitigating climate change, and living more sustainably and gently on God’s good earth; and it do so through the formation and advancement of networks across the church dedicated to promoting action and accountability around 1) nature-based solutions, 2) renewable energy solutions, 3) agrarian, food justice and outdoor ministries – three areas where there is a) demonstrated passion and leadership and b) potential for dramatic, collective action and impact; and be it further

Resolved, That the 81st General Convention urge and equip bishops and dioceses to work together in this triennium to form three new regional networks, to be called “Eco-Region Creation Networks”, based on shared ecosystems and watersheds. The Eco-Region Creation Networks link people, projects and properties dedicated to nature-based solutions to slow climate change through preserving and restoring plant communities appropriate to their bioregion; modeling transformative agriculture and food systems; and tackling issues of water quality and supply, and are to include the pilot Episcopal Grasslands Network (which includes the dioceses of Kansas, Western Kansas, Nebraska, Northwest Texas, South Dakota, North Dakota, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana and Rio Grande); and be it further

Resolved, That the 81st General Convention form a Renewable Energy Network that connects and resources dioceses, faith communities, projects and leaders dedicated to reducing carbon by accelerating renewable energy use, including but not limited to solar energy. This renewable energy network would build on the church’s existing partnership with the Episcopal Renewable Energy Non-profit, established by the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin; and be it further

Resolved, That the 81st General Convention advance the strategic development of a network devoted to agrarian, food justice and outdoor ministries (welcoming existing Provincial, Good News Gardens, and Episcopal Agrarian Ministry networks); and be it further

Resolved, That the new Eco-Region networks and Renewable Energy networks can be established through a letter to the Presiding Bishop’s office, copied to provincial Presidents, from bishops of three dioceses describing their particular eco-region, current sites, and creation actions planned, and that each network identify a diocese within the network to serve as the administrative center to disburse funds and manage the network; and be it further

Resolved, That these networks share the following marks: host online and in-person gatherings to exchange best practices, share encouragement, maintain accountability and learn from experts; consciously incorporate the presence, concerns and experience of non-U.S. Episcopal communities; coordinate access to critical resources, including the Episcopal Asset Map, Restor, or other mapping tools to track progress on emission-reduction, carbon sequestration, increased biodiversity, water quality and scarcity, agricultural transformation, etc.; share, when appropriate, financial and tangible resources; pray regularly for one another and the specific areas of creation care and justice to which they are called; and support one another if extreme climate events occur; and be it further

Resolved, That each network engage a Creation Justice Fellow and/or Consultant who partners with Episcopal Church Creation Care staff to support the network in the following ways: produce communications that inform and celebrate efforts across the network; collect data about the participating members, projects and properties; plan and implement gatherings; write grant proposals and provide other administrative support as needed; and be it further

Resolved, That every diocese in The Episcopal Church be encouraged to establish a Creation Care Commission, if no such diocesan commission already exists, to work in consultation with the aforementioned networks to pursue locally discerned goals for advancing toward net carbon neutrality by 2030; and be it further,

Resolved, That the Executive Council Budget Committee allocate $90,000 for this work, such that $30,000 each year be assigned to support the three EcoRegion Creation Networks.