B002 Build Eco-Region Creation Networks for Crucial Impact

Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring,

That the 81st General Convention urge and equip bishops and dioceses to form strategic Eco-Region Creation Networks of incarnational impact for the healing of the world God loves in this time of climate crisis; and be it further

Resolved, that bishops and dioceses work together to form regional networks, to be called “Eco-Region Creation Networks”, based on shared ecosystems or watersheds. These Eco-Region Creation Networks link people, projects and properties dedicated to nature-based solutions to slow climate change through preserving and restoring plant communities appropriate to their bioregion; modeling transformative agriculture and food systems; and tackling issues of water quality and supply; and be it further

Resolved, that in this triennium up to five pilot Eco-Region Creation Networks be formed, to include the Episcopal Grasslands Network (which includes the dioceses of Kansas, Western Kansas, Nebraska, Northwest Texas, South Dakota, North Dakota, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho and Montana) and one Eco-Region Creation Network centered outside the continental U.S; and be it further

Resolved, that new Eco-Region Creation Networks, up to five, can be established through a letter to the Presiding Bishop’s office, copied to provincial Presidents, from three bishops of contiguous dioceses describing their particular eco-region, current sites, and creation actions planned, and be it further

Resolved, that each network engage a Creation Fellow and/or Consultant whose task is to tend the network: produce communications that inform and celebrate efforts across the network; collect data about the participating members, projects and properties; plan and implement an annual meeting and other gatherings; write grant proposals as needed; and use the Episcopal Asset Map, Restor, or other mapping tools to track progress on carbon sequestration, increased biodiversity, water quality and scarcity and agricultural transformation; and be it further

Resolved, that each network identify a diocese within the network to serve as the administrative center to disburse funds and manage the network; and be it further

Resolved, that the Presiding Bishop’s Creation Care staff and the Good News Gardens  partner with these networks and support the work of the Creation Care Fellows and Consultants; and be it further

Resolved that General Convention allocate an additional $150,000 to the proposed triennial Creation Networks and Resources budget (line 168), to be assigned specifically to support Eco-Region Creation Networks. ($50,000 to be disbursed three times over the course of the triennium divided equally between any, up to five, networks that have been duly organized and named networks by the Presiding Bishop.)