D010 The Creation of a Clergy Compensation Contribution Fund

With the documented decline of church memberships across The Episcopal Church, congregations are increasingly unable to afford their two highest expenses which are building maintenance and clergy compensation. Without full-time clergy, congregations are caught in the cycle of decline and are unable to reverse the negative vitality trend which may eventually lead to the church’s closure.

Many of the congregations that are impacted by the unaffordability of a priest, because of the matching contributions, are predominately African American, urban and under-resourced, thereby rendering them unsustainable as membership declines as a result of the lack of a priest.

Such funding of the purposes of this resolution would live into The Episcopal Church’s embrace of its commitment to the establishment of The Beloved Community and remove the barriers of historical inequities and injustice that surface today as a lack of financial resources including endowments for some congregations.

It is therefore necessary to determine how the Fund can be created to fund the 9% matching contributions of a priest’s compensation who would serve such congregations but for the fact that the required matching contributions makes it unaffordable to prevent that congregation from the hiring of such priest.

It is important that this Fund be established at a church-wide level to reduce the burden on Diocese’s that may be resource constrained and to enable greater access to all congregations across the church.