C022 Migration with Dignity

Final Status: Took No Further Action

Resolved, That the 81st General Convention, as people of faith, recognize and honor the divine spark that animates all human beings and advocate for Migration with Dignity, which is a set of immigration policies that champions equal and respectful treatment of all people as set forth in McClain, Shanna, Bruch, Carl et al., “Migration With Dignity: a Legal and Policy Framework,” 17 Journal of Disaster Research 3 (2022); and be it further

Resolved, That, acknowledging that grave and serious mistreatment of ethnic minorities, migrants and refugees is currently on the rise in the midst of record migration across international borders, the 81st General Convention, consistent with resolutions of the General Conventions of The Episcopal Church, declare itself to be in support of the following human rights included within the Migration with Dignity framework for all migrants, including refugees, asylum seekers, displaced persons, and those who cross borders in search of opportunity:

  • A universal right of movement consistent with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), including freedom to leave and return to one’s country of origin, freedom of movement within one’s country of origin or country of settlement (UDHR, Article 13).
  • The right to be secure from sexual violence including rape and sexual exploitation, human trafficking, slavery, forced labor and arbitrary and abusive detention.
  • The right of equality, to include: 1) equal treatment with no discrimination under the law based on color, gender, language, religion, political affiliation, national origin and 2) equal opportunity for upward mobility.
  • The right to access a basic quality of life, including employment, housing, and food.
  • The right to access services such as health care, education and legal representation.
  • Civil and political rights guaranteeing the right to identity, to use of one’s language, and to freedom of speech and religion.

And be it further

Resolved, That the 81st General Convention call upon all Episcopalians, congregations, and dioceses to advocate that local, state, national, and international governing bodies promote Migration with Dignity by enforcing existing laws and policies on behalf of refugees, migrants, asylum seekers, and displaced persons, and by enacting new laws and policies guaranteeing their welcome, protection, and integration into our common human journey.