D006 Rejecting the Theology and Politics of Christian Zionism

Final Status: Concurred as Substituted

Resolved, That the 81st General Convention condemn the practical and political effects of that collection of theologies popularly known as ‘Christian Zionism,’ which, distinct from historic Jewish Zionism, in its many manifestations, promotes an eschatology in which the Second Coming of Christ is contingent upon the existence of the modern State of Israel, wrongly conflates that State with biblical Israel, and denies both the legitimacy of Palestinian existence and right to statehood in the Holy Land; and be it further

Resolved, That The Episcopal Church, having embraced Resolution 2022-A216 acknowledging the threat to the Christian presence in the Holy Land from “Israeli radical groups who are actively seeking to undermine the Christian communities of the Holy Land,” and who “seek to change fundamentally the historic multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, and multi-religious character of the region,” recognize the significant contribution of Christian Zionism to that threat; and be it further

Resolved, That The Episcopal Church affirm its long-standing commitment to stand in solidarity with our Palestinian Christian sisters and brothers in the Holy Land, sharing their deep distress regarding the dramatic diminishment of that community.