A044 Develop Sustainable Congregational Revitalization Ministries

Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring,

That the 81st General Convention and the Episcopal Church celebrates and actively supports the revitalization of congregations, seeking not to restore past glories, but to move into the new callings of our loving, liberating, life-giving God; and be it further

Resolved, That the Church continues to prioritize the revitalization of congregations and a churchwide network of support for congregational revitalization work that was initiated by GC2018-A032; and be it further

Resolved, That in the revitalization of congregations, the Church continues to prioritize commitment to mission and evangelism engaging under-represented groups, including youth and young adults, disabled persons, members of LGBTQIA communities, BIPOC communities, poor and working-class people, people with a high-school diploma or less, and/or people with little or no church background or involvement; and be it further

Resolved, That the budget for development of sustainable congregational revitalization throughout the Church will be $500,000 for 2024-2027 to be allocated as follows:

  • $100,000.00 to engage Bishops and the diocesan representative(s) they appoint in development of a framework for congregational revitalization, identifying roadblocks that regularly thwart this work and identifying resources that are proven to enhance this work;
  • $75,000.00 to engage clergy and lay leaders in gleaning learnings from congregational revitalization that they have successfully done and/or they have failed in attempts to do, identifying roadblocks that have thwarted their work and identifying resources that have enhanced their work;
  • $75,000.00 for translation services and to facilitate participation of Spanish-speaking lay and ordained leaders in training for congregational revitalization;
  • $75,000.00 for further development of five-phase congregational redevelopment strategy - (1) diagnosing/assessing resources and challenges, (2) discerning next calling, (3) connecting with local and diocesan partners, (4) iterating and continued resourcing, and (5) evaluating, refining and sustaining
  • $150,000.00 to support a team of local and regional church-wide office staff to oversee the work; and 
  • $25,000.00 to provide mentorship/coaching/training for lay and ordained leaders in revitalization of their congregations;

And be it further

Resolved, That the Presiding Bishop and President of the House of Deputies establish an Advisory Group on Church Planting and Revitalization of not more than twelve (12) people, consisting of those with experience in revitalizing congregations, diocesan oversight of such work, working with evangelism and mission, to carry out provisions of this resolution, including making recommendations to Executive Council about grants to be awarded, helping to identify potential revitalizers, and developing a network of coaches, and working with staff on training church revitalizers; and be it further

Resolved, That the Joint Budget Committee of Executive Council consider a budget allocation of $500,000.00 for the implementation of this resolution.