A028 Support for Freedom to Consider Ethical Issues in Investing

Final Status: Concurred as Amended

Resolved, That the 81st General Convention reaffirm its commitment to and encouragement across the Church of faithful and ethically responsible investing addressing ethical concerns for social, environmental and governance matters, including climate change and human rights, commonly referred to as ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) investing, as set forth in General Convention resolution 2022-A073; and be it further

Resolved, That General Convention consistent with the Episcopal Church's long practice of aligning its investments with the values of Jesus Christ as expressed in General Convention and Executive Council resolutions, through such means as corporate engagement through dialogue, filing and voting on shareholder resolutions, voting in director elections, and divestment and affirmative investment, including ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) investing, lament, condemn and oppose proposals and actions of some federal, state and local legislatures and agencies, and attorneys general, to suppress and outlaw the consideration of all financial and other factors relevant to investing and the use of ethical criteria, including ESG investing, to assess investment risks and opportunities.