A022 Support the Anglican Communion Forest Initiative

Final Status: Took No Further Action

Resolved, That in support of The Anglican Consultative Council resolution passed at ACC 18 in Ghana in February, 2023, we recognize that the integrity of creation is under threat and at risk of collapse and there is urgent need to reduce our carbon footprint and protect biodiversity; and be it further

Resolved, That the Episcopal Church affirms the potential of the Communion Forest initiative launched as a legacy of the 2022 Lambeth Conference; and be it further

Resolved, That the Episcopal Church join with other Churches of the Communion to join in this initiative to be ambitious in using their God-given assets, to weave creation care into the spiritual and liturgical life of the Church; and be it further

Resolved, That we commend the collaboration of the Anglican Alliance and Anglican Communion Environmental Network, and encourages the dioceses, seminaries, congregations and other ministries in the Episcopal Church to share with them information about their existing and new activities.