A021 Create a Care of Creation Loan Program for Episcopal Dioceses

Final Status: Concurred as Amended

Resolved, That the 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church (TEC) direct Executive Council to allocate $3 million in unrestricted TEC endowment funds as a loan portfolio to establish and fund a Care of Creation loan program for dioceses to use to help fund capital projects to assist TEC dioceses, institutions, and congregations in moving their operations towards carbon net zero compliance by 2030 (2022-A087), and that $30,000 annually be allocated to pay for professional underwriting review of such proposed loans launch this effort; and be it further

Resolved, That this General Convention direct the Executive Council to assign responsibility for oversight of these assets to its Economic Justice Loan Committee (EJLC) for such loans; and be it further

Resolved, That in implementing this loan program, the ELJC will consult with the Task Force on Creation Care and Environmental Racism (or its successor) and will employ EJLC best practices developed to date by the Treasurer’s Office.