A016 Reaffirm and Commit to the Goal of a Permanent Location of an Archives for the Episcopal Church

Final Status: Concurred as Substituted

Resolved, That the 81st General Convention acknowledge the 2006 and 2012 General Conventions have already twice identified the acute need for a permanent historical records depository and research center, in Resolutions 2006-A143 and 2012-A162; and recognize the current Austin location is an interim, temporary, and increasingly costly solution subject to rent increases under any renewed lease next year; and be it further

Resolved, That the 81st General Convention affirm that in order to carry out The Episcopal Church’s efforts to address its past racial injustices, and in order to carry out TEC’s work more effectively, a prompt Executive Council decision is urgently needed on the location of a permanent historical records depository and research center, particularly given the extensive search and diligence efforts that have already occurred over the past several years; and be it further

Resolved, That Executive Council shall decide on the permanent location of the Archives of The Episcopal Church no later than July 1, 2025, making use of the extensive financial and real estate diligence work done to date, together with any additional timely diligence deemed appropriate by the Presiding Officers; and be it further

Resolved, That the 81st General Convention commend the Presiding Officers, the Acting Chief Operating Officer, the Executive Officer of the General Convention Office, and the Archives Advisory Committee for their identification to Executive Council of a proposed location meeting the requirements for an appropriate and accessible site within the United States, adequate for the present and future needs of the historical records of this Church, as contemplated by Canon 1.5 and described in Keeping Archives, Keeping Faith: Archives Board Report to Executive Council (June 2019); and be it further

Resolved, That the 81st General Convention heartily commend the work of the Archives staff for transferring more than 8,000 cubic feet of records, representing over 200 years of Episcopal history, from the Seminary of the Southwest to an interim location in Austin during the pandemic, while also maintaining the digital archive and providing research assistance; and be it further

Resolved, That General Convention thank the Archives staff for their ongoing hard work, dedication and commitment, particularly during this ongoing period of transition following the March 2022 retirement of the previous Archivist, including service to the 80th and this 81st General Convention during this interim period.